Before we start with anything technical, before we even begin to think strategy or potential profits, we have to shift our mindset on communication.
Start With Why by Simon Sinek is a GAME (clap) CHANGER (clap) for your business, for your business communications, and for you personally. The title of both the TED Talk and book is pretty self explanatory: the most successful businesses and thought leaders all lead their communications with intangible WHYs, not tangible WHATs. Given the tribal nature of us as humans, we want to identify ourselves with others who BELIEVE what we BELIEVE. So naturally it makes sense for us to be more attracted to companies, brands, and people who lead with beliefs.
Think about it for a second - how did you choose your best friend? Did you choose that person because of they were tall, blond, from a specific state, went to a specific school, etc? No, you clicked with that person. You found you had common interests, passions, and beliefs. Maybe you loved sitting, drinking wine with that person, and judging everyone else (look we all have that friend and there ain’t no shame there). You associate yourself with that person because you believe the same things, you trust that person, you’re both loyal to one another.
To bring this back to the professional world, Simon Sinek wrote a great book laying this all out. But considering we’re all short on time, skip the book. Instead, take the next 18 minutes of your life and watch his TED Talk from 2009 (and if 18 minutes is still too long for you, stick around for the first 7 minutes). As you watch, think about how you can apply this to your business or yourself.