One thing we all need to erase from our minds is this: having a lot of followers or page likes is the point of digital marketing.
FALSE. Thanks to our arch nemesis, the algorithm, even if you have hundreds of thousands of followers, if they don't engage with you on a consistent basis, they won't see your content organically (the word organic in digital marketing means you didn't pay for it, wouldn't it be nice if that was also true in the food world...).
What matters for our digital ads is REACH. Reach is the number of people who have seen your ad or post. That number most often represents UNIQUE people aka it only counts people once.
I do not recommend putting money behind "get followers" or "page likes" as it's putting money into a black hole. Instead, shift that budget into a reach or brand awareness campaign (I'll explain the difference of the two in a different post 😉).